dinsdag 1 juni 2010

#5 Fifth release - daring and festive at the same time

Today I released a book at the bridge near a 18-19th century fortress on the outskirts of Nieuwegein, fort Jutfaas. It was my fifth release.

Before this I was a bit hesitant about being seen, so I tried to do it when other people were not around. Today I tried to be more daring. In fact I had to, it was the middle of the day. And I needed to add some touch, which I could only do at the release location.

I was 'dared' in a challenge to make a festive release. So I used a book celebrating love and the summer (Jan Wolkers Zomerhitte). To make sure I followed the challenge I added some nice touch in the form of a balloon with a smiling face. And hung it from the bridge with a coloured ribbon.

I blew the balloon at a friend's house. We drew the face. Then let the air out again. At the location I blew the balloon again. And then I had juggle the ribbon (which was too long) and tie everything to the metal bridge.

This place is quite near sports grounds and buildings of local offices. And considering the good weather several people were cycling and walking past. No one seemed to take notice... but I still felt a bit awkward so I didn't look anyone in the face. I just thought to myself, it is just like when I prepare a children's party and tie ribbons and directions to trees... like a mantra.

See: http://www.bookcrossing.com/journal/8036900/

Vandaag mijn vijfde release. Die heb ik aangegrepen om te werken aan de uitdaging van Stromend_water om een feestelijke en vrolijke release te doen. Aangezien ik ook net ben ingestapt in de uitdaging "release 52 boeken op 52 plaatsen in 2010" gelijk maar buiten Utrecht.... en wel in Nieuwegein, bij Fort Jutfaas. Een ballon met lachgezichtje en een kadostrikje leek mij al behoorlijk feestelijk. Intussen dacht ik de hele tijd bij mezelf: "ik doe net alsof ik een speurtocht uitzet, ik doe net alsof ik een speurtocht uitzet." Ik blijf mij afvragen of mensen het raar vinden....

Geen opmerkingen:

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